A Toronto native, Joan has a Fine Arts degree from the University of Toronto. She taught High School Visual Arts for many years.  

Her impressionistic/realistic works include both nature and the human form. She has been in several group shows and has joined  and exhibited more recently with: The Bayview  Art Tour, The  North Toronto Group of Artists ,The Artist’s Network, Art Walk In the Square, The North York Visual  Artists, Queen West Art Crawl, the Rosedale Art Fair, the Crosstown Gallery, The Gallery on the Lake in Buckhorn, and the Lawrence Park Art Collective. 

Joan is the past director (and co-founder) of the North Toronto Group of Artists, and a teacher at the Art Barn School. Joan's work is in many private collections.



Website: joanmcgivney.com

Email: jmcgivney@rogers.com

Facebook: facebook.com/joan.mcgivney

Instagram: @joan0art